Paper Submission

Papers will be accepted in one of two formats:

Papers describing significant research contributions of theoretical and/or practical nature are being solicited for submission. Authors are invited to submit original, high-quality papers presenting new research related to energy-aware simulations.

Papers must be written in English and must not exceed 6 pages (4 pages for a work in progress/position paper). Authors should submit papers via EasyChair in PDF format, complying with the ACM double-column conference proceedings style ( Submitted papers must not be under review or published (partially or completely) elsewhere. Every paper will be peer-reviewed by at least three reviewers. The review of all papers will follow the general double-blind policy.

Papers will be assessed based on originality, correctness, relevance, and quality of writing. In exceptional circumstances (such as papers evidently out of scope) papers may not receive full-length reviews and may be rejected summarily. At least one author of each accepted paper is required to register and present the work in person at the workshop.

The papers that are accepted and presented at the workshop will be published by ACM and disseminated through the ACM Digital Library. It is intended that the best papers will be put forward for a Journal special edition post workshop.

Submission will be made via EasyChair: